This month, Welsh Government is consulting on 14 to 16 learning under the Curriculum for Wales. Here, Coleg Cambria Chief Executive, Yana Williams, shares her thoughts on how we can improve the opport...

In April 2024,  ColegauCymru led a delegation of further education Principals and Welsh Government officials on a visit to Helsinki, as part of a Taith funded project. The purpose of the visit wa...

This week ColegauCymru Chief Executive David Hagendyk will be starting a three-month secondment into Welsh Government. During this time, Kelly Edwards will become the Interim Chief Executive at Colega...

ColegauCymru was pleased to lead a delegation from Wales on a visit to Scotland in early April, to explore their work in the field of recognition of prior learning (RPL).  The Welsh Government fu...

The ColegauCymru Equality and Diversity Group exists to work together to contribute to progressing equality, diversity and inclusion across the sector. This includes how the FE sector can support the ...

Spotlight on The College Merthyr Tydfil   International Women's Day (IWD) is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women, and here we cele...

Local further education colleges are ‘the way to go’ for studying towards a foundation degree, HNC or HND and provide an alternative pathway to traditional universities, opening doors to e...

Students, often dubbed as the leaders of tomorrow, are taking action today by leading voter registration drives in their college.  Rebecca Deegan, Founder & CEO, I Have a Voice. In recent yea...

Cardiff and Vale College Assistant Principal, Yusuf Ibrahim shares his thinking on the journey towards an Anti-Racist Wales. Since its inception eighteen months ago, Wales’ Anti Racism Action Pl...

ColegauCymru Director of Policy and Public Affairs, Rachel Cable, welcomes the appointment of the new CTER Chief Executive and believes the Commission offers a real opportunity to redesign learning pa...

Jisc is the UK higher, further education and skills sectors’ not-for-profit organisation for digital services and solutions, championing the importance and potential of digital technologies for ...

As we continue to celebrate #AdultLearnersWeek, this year’s campaign looks to connect people to lifelong learning opportunities and inspire them to embrace second chances. With a focus on the ke...

For almost a quarter of a century of devolution, the phrase ‘parity of esteem’ between vocational and academic educational pathways has been the aspiration of successive Welsh Governments....

Together with Global Wales, ColegauCymru was pleased to visit Brussels recently in an exercise to scope out opportunities for collaborative projects and partnership development between Welsh, Flemish ...

A delegation of further education colleagues travelled to Vienna, Austria between 19-23 June 2023 to explore the training and upskilling of vocational education and training (VET) practitioners. ...

Around one in three children in Wales are now living in poverty. This is 31% of children, around 190,000 under the age of 19. These figures are stark, and poverty levels remain stubbornly high. As soc...

Together with colleagues from across the FE sector in Wales, Principal of The College Merthyr Tydfil, Lisa Thomas, recently visited Montreal to attend the World Federation of Colleges and Polytechnics...

As part of the Co-operation Agreement between the Welsh Government and Plaid Cymru, a review of vocational qualifications was launched in July 2022, chaired by former Principal of Pembrokeshire Colleg...

International Women's Day (IWD) is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating gender parity. ...

As we celebrate UN International Day of Women and Girls in Science 2023 today, ColegauCymru is delighted to share some of the stories of females in further education and their journey to study and wor...

In one of his final acts of 2022, the Welsh Government Minister for Education and Welsh Language, Jeremy Miles, set in motion the first commencement Order under the Tertiary Education and Research (Wa...

ColegauCymru International Project Manager Siân Holleran answers some key questions on the new Strategy.   Why have you developed an Internationalisation Strategy for the FE sector in Wales...

August 2021 – July 2022  This year, the FE sector has come together to adapt, collaborate, and innovate as a result of the challenges brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic while maintainin...

August 2021 – July 2022  This year, the FE sector has come together to adapt, collaborate, and innovate as a result of the challenges brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic while maintainin...

August 2021 – July 2022  This year, the FE sector has come together to adapt, collaborate, and innovate as a result of the challenges brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic while maintainin...