Consultation Response Senedd Finance Committee  Deadline for Submission: 1 May 2022 ColegauCymru highlighted some of the challenges faced by the Further Education sector in relation to the t...

Consultation Response Welsh Government Deadline for Submission: 1 April 2022 ColegauCymru highlighted a variety of issues including the challenge of different data collection systems; the difficu...

Consultation Response Senedd Culture, Communications, Welsh Language, Sport, and International Relations Committee Deadline for Submission: 18 March 2022 ColegauCymru highlighted numerous ex...

Consultation Response Welsh Government Deadline for Submission: 24 February 2022 ColegauCymru raised our previous call for longer-term funding and to ensure that all mental health policy and strategy ...

Consultation Response Welsh Government Deadline for Submission: 12 January 2022 ColegauCymru supports the Welsh Government Period Dignity Strategic Action Plan, is pleased to see engagement with the F...

Consultation Response  Senedd Children, Young People and Education Committee Deadline for Submission: 17 December 2021 ColegauCymru expressed concern about the short timescale for responding to s...

Consultation Response Senedd Finance Committee  Deadline for Submission: 26 November 2021 ColegauCymru raised a variety of issues including the need to ensure continuity of support for programmes...

Consultation Response Welsh Government Deadline for submission: 31 October 2021 ColegauCymru highlights the need to consider arrangements for provision for 14-16 year olds within further educatio...

Shaping Wales’ Future: Using National Indicators and Milestones to measure our Nation’s progress  Welsh Government Deadline for Submission: 25 October 2021 ColegauCymru is supportive ...

Consultation Response Welsh Government Deadline for submission: 22 October 2021 ColegauCymru supports the sentiments and ambitions of the Plan but notes the lacks of detail, timescales and in many cas...

Consultation Response Welsh Government Deadline for Submission: 4 October 2021 ColegauCymru argues that the further education sector needs to be fully involved in the work of corporate joint comm...

Strategic Priorities  Senedd Children, Young People and Education Committee Deadline for Submission: 17 September 2021 ColegauCymru calls on the new Committee to explore a range of topi...

Strategic priorities for first six months; and longer term priorities Senedd Health and Social Care Committee Deadline for Submission: 17 September 2021 ColegauCymru highlights a number of issues that...

Strategic Priorities  Senedd Local Government and Housing Committee Deadline for Submission: 17 September 2021 ColegauCymru encourages the Committee to explore the effectiveness of usin...

Strategic Priorities  Senedd Climate Change, Environment, and Infrastructure  Committee Deadline for Submission: 10 September 2021 ColegauCymru calls on the Committee to undertake an early i...

Issues facing the Further Education sector Senedd Culture, Communications, Welsh Language, Sport and International Relations Committee Deadline for Submission: 3 September 2021 ColegauCymru ...

Strategic priorities for first six months; and longer term priorities Senedd Economy, Trade and Rural Affairs Committee Deadline for Submission: 1 September 2021 ColegauCymru calls on the new Committe...

Curriculum for Wales guidance for Careers and Work-related Experiences (CWRE) Welsh Government Deadline for Submission: 16 July 2021 Greater coherence is needed between schools and the education secto...

Consultation on the Race Equality Action Plan: An Anti-racist Wales Welsh Government Deadline for submission: 15 July 2021 In our response, ColegauCymru broadly supported the vision, purpose, values a...

The value of international experience for young people. British Council APPG Inquiry Deadline for Submission: 20 May 2021 Internationalisaion and international experiences are key to developing l...

EWC revised disciplinary procedures Education Workforce Council Deadline for Submission: 9 May 2021 ColegauCymru supported the EWC proposals on the Education Workforce Council (Interim Suspension...

Consultation on draft Bill Welsh Government Deadline for Submission: 22 April 2021 ColegauCymru was broadly content with many of the proposals in the draft Bill but emphasised the need for propor...

Seeking views on which subjects should be available as GCSE Qualifications Wales Deadline for Submission: 9 April 2021 Greater consideration needs to be given to the impact of the proposals for new GC...

Draft code of Practice for the Welsh Language Standards Welsh Language Commissioner Date of Submission: 12 March 2021 ColegauCymru welcomed the additional clarification in the draft Code in provi...