ColegauCymru welcomes additional funding to support FE learners in post-Covid recovery


ColegauCymru has today welcomed the Welsh Government announcement of £65 million of new funding for further education, higher education and adult community learning in Wales. 

We’re encouraged that Welsh Government shares the ColegauCymru ambition for a future Wales which looks to improve infrastructure, introduce of greener buildings and improve our understanding of net zero in the FE sector. 

Importantly, the funding will also help Further Education learners to recover and adapt in a post-Covid world, by ensuring the continuation of safe face-to-face learning, mentoring and a much-needed increase to mental health provision. 

The funding will further be used to tackle the ongoing issue of recruitment of staff to the sector. 

ColegauCymru Chief Executive Iestyn Davies said,

“News of the Welsh Government funding is gratefully received by the FE sector and will be essential to support the cohort of learners who have been adversely affected by the pandemic. Independent research commissioned by ColegauCymru in Summer 2021 confirmed the importance of active wellbeing on the health of the college community as a whole”. 

The additional support will help learners to be more resilient and prepared to face future challenges as they progress in their education or to the world of work.  

Further Information 

Welsh Government Press Release 
£65 million of new funding to help colleges and universities reach net zero 
13 January 2022 

ColegauCymru Independently Commissioned Research 
Wellbeing insight, FE sports learners and the recovery from Covid19 - supporting the future of Welsh Sport   
June 2021 

The value to learners of Active Wellbeing in FEI in Wales 
June 2021 

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